[2020.3] Latest updates for ECCouncil 212-89 exam dumps and online practice tests
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[PDF Q1-Q13] Free ECCouncil ECIH 212-89 pdf dumps download from Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GQye-noPbEGyB8hqsQPDy73swB9iVIKN
EC-COUNCIL CERTIFIED INCIDENT HANDLER: https://cert.eccouncil.org/ec-council-certified-incident-handler.html
Latest Update ECCouncil ECIH 212-89 Online Exam Practice Questions
Removing or eliminating the root cause of the incident is called:
A. Incident Eradication
B. Incident Protection
C. Incident Containment
D. Incident Classification
Correct Answer: A
If the loss anticipated is greater than the agreed upon threshold; the organization will:
A. Accept the risk
B. Mitigate the risk
C. Accept the risk but after management approval
D. Do nothing
Correct Answer: B
An organization faced an information security incident where a disgruntled employee passed sensitive access control
information to a competitor. The organization\\’s incident response manager, upon investigation, found that the incident
must be handled within a few hours on the same day to maintain business continuity and market competitiveness. How
would you categorize such information security incident?
A. High level incident
B. Middle level incident
C. Ultra-High level incident
D. Low level incident
Correct Answer: A
Except for some common roles, the roles in an IRT are distinct for every organization. Which among the following is the
role played by the Incident Coordinator of an IRT?
A. Links the appropriate technology to the incident to ensure that the foundation\\’s offices are returned to normal
operations as quickly as possible
B. Links the groups that are affected by the incidents, such as legal, human resources, different business areas and
C. Applies the appropriate technology and tries to eradicate and recover from the incident
D. Focuses on the incident and handles it from management and technical point of view
Correct Answer: B
Authorized users with privileged access who misuse the corporate informational assets and directly affects the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the assets are known as:
A. Outsider threats
B. Social Engineers
C. Insider threats
D. Zombies
Correct Answer: C
Risk is defined as the probability of the occurrence of an incident. Risk formulation generally begins with the likeliness of
an event\\’s occurrence, the harm it may cause and is usually denoted as Risk = (events)X (Probability of
A. Magnitude
B. Probability
C. Consequences
D. Significance
Correct Answer: A
According to US-CERT; if an agency is unable to successfully mitigate a DOS attack it must be reported within:
A. One (1) hour of discovery/detection if the successful attack is still ongoing
B. Two (2) hours of discovery/detection if the successful attack is still ongoing
C. Three (3) hours of discovery/detection if the successful attack is still ongoing
D. Four (4) hours of discovery/detection if the successful attack is still ongoing
Correct Answer: B
Insiders understand corporate business functions. What is the correct sequence of activities performed by Insiders to
damage company assets:
A. Gain privileged access, install malware then activate
B. Install malware, gain privileged access, then activate
C. Gain privileged access, activate and install malware
D. Activate malware, gain privileged access then install malware
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following can be considered synonymous:
A. Hazard and Threat
B. Threat and Threat Agent
C. Precaution and countermeasure
D. Vulnerability and Danger
Correct Answer: A
Preventing the incident from spreading and limiting the scope of the incident is known as:
A. Incident Eradication
B. Incident Protection
C. Incident Containment
D. Incident Classification
Correct Answer: C
The steps followed to recover computer systems after an incident are:
A. System restoration, validation, operation and monitoring
B. System restoration, operation, validation, and monitoring
C. System monitoring, validation, operation and restoration
D. System validation, restoration, operation and monitoring
Correct Answer: A
A distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a more common type of DoS Attack, where a single system is targeted
by a large number of infected machines over the Internet. In a DDoS attack, attackers first infect multiple systems which
are known as:
A. Trojans
B. Zombies
C. Spyware
D. Worms
Correct Answer: B
One of the main objectives of incident management is to prevent incidents and attacks by tightening the physical
security of the system or infrastructure. According to CERT\\’s incident management process, which stage focuses on
implementing infrastructure improvements resulting from postmortem reviews or other process improvement
A. Protection
B. Preparation
C. Detection
D. Triage
Correct Answer: A
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Latest update leads4pass ECIH 212-89 exam dumps: https://www.leads4pass.com/212-89.html (163 Q&As)
[Q1-Q13 PDF] Free ECCouncil ECIH 212-89 pdf dumps download from Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GQye-noPbEGyB8hqsQPDy73swB9iVIKN